Friday 24 January 2014


1.         You are a man, you woke up in the midnight to ease yourself and you saw a big snake lying straight on your pregnant wife’s stomach. What will be your reaction?

2.         You were coming back home with happiness on you graduation day, as you get into your compound, you saw your gate man dead, then on approaching to the main house, you saw your dad, mum and twin brother/sister dead. What will be reaction?

3.         You are a girl, to day is your wedding day, you have been in the church for the past five hours, the time for the pastor to wed you has past, yet your groom has not yet arrived, you’ve been calling his line but no one is picking the call, then you reluctantly tried the number for the last time, someone picked the call only to tell you that on their way coming to the wedding, their motor got accident and your groom died at a spot. What will be your reaction?

4.         You are a guy, the girl you proposed to marry betrayed you when you were deadly sick and married another guy, because of that, you sworn never to let anything about her closed to you anymore, now you’ve recovered and then had an accident that one of your legs broke and you were rushed to the hospital where medications will be given to you, as the doctor were first aiding the wounds, you looked up in pains and saw that girl that betrayed you as a nurse assisting the doctor on your treatments. What will be your reaction?

5.         Your dad is a wealthy man, but he’s that kind of stingy type, he only gives you money on relevant demands, and you are always in need of money as a young campus guy but he does not give to you. Now he’s about to die, as you were holding him in the sitting room, he told you that he has N999,000,000,000 kept at... at... at... and then he died. What will be your reaction?

6.         You came back from work, seeing your younger brother having sex with your fiancée. What will be your reaction?
7.         You entered your room on a cool afternoon, as you heard a knock at the door, you went and opened the door only to discover nobody at the door, then you were surprised, turning back, you saw your dead brother sitting on a chair and smiling at you. What will be your reaction?

8.         You are a wealthy man, as you were entering your house, you received a phone call that the loan of N999,000,000,000 you collected from CBN has been stolen by highway robbers, as you were dropping the phone call, your manager ran in an told you that the containers your company was importing from abroad have been seized by Federal Custom of Nigeria, as he’s leaving, a messenger came from your village and told you that there was a battle between your kingdom and the neighboring kingdom, and your parents were among the people that were slaughtered, as he’s leaving, one of your drivers came in and told you that your grown up twin kids fell victim on a plain crash as they were coming back from their holidays at UK, as he’s leaving, a nurse came in and told you that your beloved wife died on the process of her child delivery. What will be your reaction?

9.         You mistakenly impregnated a girl and refused her to abort the baby, with the fear and shame, the girl went inside and hung herself on your absence, as you came back home, you saw her been hung, then you have no option than putting her in your car, drove down to a river and threw her inside the river. On approaching to drive off, you then saw the same girl on the driver’s seat as she was shading tears and looking at you. What will be your reaction?

10.      You’ve been barren for 19 years now, fortunately the gods of your land blessed you with a child and within seven Eke market days, the baby died. What will be your reaction?

11.      You were banished from your kingdom and was sent into a forest where no one can find you, surprisingly, your twin sister brought food to you, you were unlike “how come?” but she were able to convinced you that the god’s led her to locate you in the forest, then on approaching her to collect the food, she turned to a monster. What will be your reaction?

12.      You are mother a mother, you have only two daughters, a day came when they were about traveling back to School, as they were prepared and out with their luggage, on discussing and advising them, the first daughter threw up and went out to vomit, as she came back the second daughter also threw up and went out to vomit, on coming back, you discovered that both of them are pregnant. What will be your reaction?

13.      You are engaged with a guy, both of you lives in a house and there is a monster that often visits you with the face of your engaged guy, now he visited you, after scaring you, he left, your real guy then entered. What will be your reaction?

14.      You are a brave king, you entered the palace on a faithful morning, only to discover a crowned monkey occupying your kingship position and smiling at you. What will be your reaction?

15.      You are a girl, you were sweeping your compound in the morning, then on approaching to the grave side of your grand father, the grave excavated and the rotten gasket came on top of the surface. What will be your reaction?

16.      You are a king, one ugly morning, you entered your palace only to experience high rate of calamities in the community. The first woman ran in with laud cries of her husband that has been on top of the palm tree for three days and were unable to climb down, as she left, a girl ran in with fear of she gets to the river to fetch water and the river has turned into blood, as she left, an elder entered to express his bitterness that his wife whom has been barren for 21 years and finally got pregnant has now gave birth to three bouncing baby blackish she goats, as he left, the chief priest entered the palace and told you that all these were happening because you are not the rightful king to rule the kingdom, on asking him, who then shall be the rightful ruler of  the kingdom, he told you that there will be a new born baby to take over the throne. What will be your reaction?

17.      You are a mother, you were in a dream, seeing your only child been stabbed with knife, as the knife was still in his stomach and he staggered home with blood rushing all over his body, but no one could help him in the dream. Then as you woke up, what will be your reaction?

18.      You were dating a girl, on the process, you proposed to marry her, but as time goes on, she couldn’t bear your wretchedness, then she betrayed  you with a wealthy guy, now you are wealthy and happily married with a young beautiful lady, and there comes the unfaithful lover in your house, apologizing to come back in your life. What will be your reaction?

19.      You are a brave and stubborn king, ruling a kingdom, and there is another kingdom under your kingship, now the kingdom wants to become an autonomous community, but you refused, they consulted to gods and the gods assigned to have their autonomy, yet you disagreed, then the gods gave you only but seven eke market day to concord, else you shall dance according to the drums beat of the gods, and here comes the seventh eke market day, the chief priest came for the last warning, what will be your reaction as a brave and stubborn king?

20.      You are the king of Amachara kingdom, your kingdom has a land dispute with Umunta kingdom, this dispute has made the land of Umunta to slaughter six elders from your kingdom on different occasions, now they still went ahead to slaughtering the seventh elder from your kingdom, of which the warriors brought his remains before you in the palace. What will be your reaction?

21.      You are the royal prince of your kingdom, although you were born out of wedlock, now  your father has passed away, as you were mourning for the death of your father, your kid brother whom was not born out of wedlock but of a different mother, then entered the room only to warn you to stop shading these your crocodile tears, and still went ahead telling you that he is the heir apparent to the throne hence you were born out of wedlock. What will be your reaction?

22.      You are a king, you had a strange dream, in your dream, you saw a frog devouring a crocodile, a vulture dancing impudently before the eagle and out of insoluble insolence the gods and the ancestors invaded your palace with anger, but in all, they kept silence at you and left the palace without a word, then as you entered your palace in the morning, after meditating on your dreams, you tried to sit on your throne for three times but you were unable to sit because the throne was spiritually on fire. What will be your reaction?

23.      You are the only son of a wealthy home, you had a great dispute with your dad because you chose to study Theology as your dream course, now the dispute has made your dad to turned his back at you, yet you insisted to rather train yourself hence you wish to go ahead with the course but nothing was successful to you, life kept on turning you around negatively, now you are forty years old, but you have not achieved anything as a man (not even your WASC), then a friend took you to a Man of God and the Man of God told you that the misery behind your failures is your dad. It happens that your dad belongs to a secret cult which made him to disagree with your course because it would be an opposition to where he belongs, then he took an oath before his altar of darkness that you shall never succeed in life, and now the man of God asked you “Do you want him to pray for the death of your dad for you to regain your freedom and prosperity or do you want your dad to live for you to remain stagnant forever, although you still cherished your dad no matter what but without the death of your dad you can’t regain your freedom and prosperity in life. What will be your reaction?

24.      You are the Chief Justice of this Federation, you had a case of arm robbery, on the day of the final judgment that you were required to sentence the three arm robbers to prison, after the explanation of the second arm robber, the third arm robber started narrating what led him to arm robbery as a career, it happens that a young lady gave birth to him, kept him in a farmland of an aged woman and ran away, but the owner of the farmland took the challenge of adopting the boy and single handedly trained him in the undeveloped village where the boy was unable to coup with the situation of extreme suffering which made him to ran away to seek for a greener pasture but unfortunately he met with the other two arm robbers whom brought him into the business of arm robbery. On his story, it happens that you are the young lady who gave birth to him, kept him in the farmland, ran away and had forgotten about him. What will be your reaction?

25.      You were deeply in love with a guy, but because of his wretchedness, your parent forced a wealthy guy on you, now you have accepted the wealthy guy and has nothing to do with the other true lover of yours. A week before your wedding ceremony, you fell seriously ill that the wedding couldn’t hold, the illness led you to death, and the hour you died nobody was in the hospital only your ex-lover whom came to visit you, then something came over him to have sexual intercourse with you on the sick bed at that particular point you died, which made him to de-flower you and brought you back to life. This guy was sued to court, as the judgment determines him to be sentenced for 21 years imprisonment. What will be your reaction?

26.      You are a wealthy handsome guy, but no girl accepts to marry you, those that accepted finally betrayed you with different guys, even at the extent that you’ve trained 7 girls in Higher Institution only to marry them, when they graduated, they ran away from you. Now you are getting older, you went to the wilderness and prayed for 3 days, on the completion of your prayers, you told God that as you are leaving the wilderness, if a girl happens to be the first person to greet you, the girl shall be your wife, then as you were coming out, a blind girl with her walking stick, sitting and singing in front of the wilderness, became the first to greet you. What will be your reaction?

27.      You are an arm robber, the third command in your gang; you are the chief striker whom is in position of killing victims on every mission. Now a guy brought a picture of a young beautiful girl he want your gang to kill, but you were not around when the picture was brought, you joined your gang on the mission without seeing the picture of the victim, on getting to the house of the victim, as you guys were harassing the people in the house, asking about the victim, then the victim came out from the inner room and it happens to be your loved biological sister. What will be your reaction?

28.      You have a fiancé whom you’ve medically examined to be a virgin, then you left her with your kid brother and traveled abroad for a foreign contract, some months later, you got a call from home that your fiancé was in coma, but you were unable to come back home because of some certain reasons, you sent money for her medical treatments, on coming back, you met her with pregnancy of which you left her with her virginity, you asked her “how come?” but she can’t really explain because she don’t know how it happens and she sworn to you that she have not meet with any other guy since you left, but in all,  you accepted to wed her with the unknown pregnancy because of the true love you have for her and to remove the shame from her. On a day to the wedding ceremony, a nurse came to your house where you were eating with your kid brother and your fiancé and presented a video record in her phone where your kid brother was having sexual intercourse with your fiancé as she was in coma. What will be your reaction?

29.      You are about traveling to abroad, on your way to the airport, you forgot a file at home, your driver drove you home to pick the file, after taken the file, you felt like catching fun with your wife in the bathroom as she was taking her bath, then you approached the bathroom and tapped her on her booms, soap has already covered her face that she was unable to see who tapped her, and she’s dating your driver and often catch funs with him whenever you traveled, with this; she thought that it was your driver that tapped her, then she started saying “oh baby, you came back so quick, just take it easy, ok? You going to have me for the whole day, I wish my husband would die in a plane crash and let u have me forever, just wait ok?”. What will be your reaction?

30.      You got admission in a higher institution, you’ve paid other fees, remaining your acceptance fee and you are out of cash hence you are the one training yourself because your parent is dead, on getting to your uncle’s house for him to assist you with some money, then the man accepted to give you all the money you wanted from him but with the condition of having sexual intercourse with you at that moment and it obvious that without him, there is no other person that would render you such help. What will be your reaction?

31.      You entered a bar, you felt lust over a sexy looking girl that was drinking and smoking alone, you approached her and started asking her out, but for the past 5 minutes you have been talking to her, she gave no response to you, then you became some how angry and was asking her “Can’t  you talk?”. The girl angrily stood up and raised alarms at you, then it happens that she was the angry type and she was dumb and has a well deformed K-leg. What will be your reaction?

32.      You are living with your uncle and his family, one day you had a suitor and it happens that the suitor was the head of the arm robbers that attacked your home when you were 12 years old, he was the person that personally killed all the members of your family, de-flowered  you with rape, shot at your legs, robbed all the money, expensive properties and documents in your house. What will be your reaction?

33.      Today is your girl friend’s birthday, she has told her friends much about your wealth and all her friends were in high anticipation of your arrival and birthday gift to her, on getting there, you presented a toy to your girl, she smatched it on your face, embarrassed you and gave you the highest insult of your life, her friends began to laugh and make mockery of you, you picked the toy, zip the pocket and brought out a new brand hummar jeep key. What will be the girl’s reaction and what will be your reaction?

34.      You are a member of an occult, it is time for sacrifice, other members have made theirs, it’s remaining only, now the grand master has given you 3 days to offer your sacrifice, but you have nobody to offer, now you thought of running into a shrine to seek help from a chief priest, on getting there, the grand master appeared. What will be your reaction when he appeared and when he must have defeated the chief priest?

35.      You are the eldest daughter of 6 daughters and 3 sons in a home, all of you have gotten married for 13 years, but no child in each of your homes, and meanwhile the 3 guys have gotten their children. You gathered your sisters and went to a chief priest with your mum, on getting there, the chief priest invoked a white cotton in a square form, where the misery behind the barrenness displays like a video, then all of you started watching it, it happens that when all of you were in boarding school, the girl that was a house maid to  your mum was ill and had her menstruation, with the illness, she was unable to wash the menstruation blood in her pant, as your mum came back from work, instead of helping the girl to wash the pant as a mother, or allow the girl to wash it when she must have regain her health, your mum forced the ill wretched girl to use her mouth on the menstruation blood because she kept the pant outside due her unhealthy health, and after she must have been forced to do that, the girl laid a curse with bitterness that none of her children should bear a child hence she was forced to use her mouth on a menstruation blood, and that was the misery behind the barrenness of you and your sisters for the past 13 years. Now the chief priest told all of you to go in search of the girl because it is only the girl that would revoke the curse that will bring the cessation of the barrenness. On searching for the girl, it happens that the girl is dead, on getting home, what will be your reaction?

36.      You have no relative, the only person you have is your girl friend whom was the person assisting you in your shelter, feeding, clothing and other things. One day, you caught her flirting with an old man whom is up to being her father, with annoyance, you came back home, on waiting for her with that bitterness, she came back home, on expressing your anger over her, she angrily bounced at you and told  you that it was the same man that she feeds you, cloths you, shelter you and gives you all the assistance you required to survive as a man, and with the annoyance, she decided to walk out of your life that moment. What will be your reaction?

37.      You traveled abroad for 18 years now; everybody has forgotten everything about you because they taught you were dead and gone due to the communication gap. On the 18th year, you came back home, on seeing  your sister, what will be her reaction, what will be your reaction and what will be your reaction when she told you that your parent has died out of suffering?

38.      You have served your boss for 7 years, on the day of your freedom from your boss, he gave you just the sum of N70,000.00 for your freedom from him, you were totally sad and then took the money to your Pastor, asking him to pray for you and tell you the kind of business God wants you to do with the money, the Pastor prayed, after praying, he told you that the Lord said you should take the money and sow a seed in his life. What will be your reaction?

39.      You have been in hardship for several years, you have a closed friend whom has been helping you with some money, one day you went to that closiest friend of yours, he wanted to give you another money, you refused taking the money and required him to teach you how to fish instead of giving you the fish, on conclusion, he took you to his occultic kingdom where he gets the fishes, on getting there, you summoned courage to do anything just to be like your friend, then the grand master brought out a mirror, gave you a sword and ordered you to strike the mirror, on striking the mirror, your beloved wife whom is 9 months pregnant of her first issue appeared on the mirror with blood all over her body and died. What will be your reaction?

40.      You are a king, one morning, you happily woke up, after your greetings and appraisals to the gods, ancestors and the chief priests, your wife presented your breakfast, after shaking the plate for the food ingredients to mix very well, then you opened the plate and a toad jumped out of the plate. What will be your reaction?

41.      Mark was 17 when he impregnated you at the age of 15. Then he travelled abroad that same year and lost contact with you, 18 years later, he came back but was unable to locate you, then he had no option than to propose to another young beautiful girl, on your daughter’s birthday (the girl you bore at the age of 15) as the party was on progress, the MC asked your daughter to go and kiss the guy she would loved to be the father of her kids, then she romantically went and kissed her father. What will be your reaction?

42.      You presented your new catch to your immediate younger brother, but he made good criticism against the girl which made your dad to sent the girl out of your home and warned her never to come close to you onward, now you came back home and saw that same younger brother of yours, sitting and drinking with his love in the sitting room. What will be your reaction?

43.      Your eldest sister came to the village and saw the hardship in your home, then she helpfully decided to take your daughter to abroad. Some years later, your daughter came back with a wayward appearance that made you to ask her out of your house, as she was about to leave, she presented the sum of N10 million to you, meanwhile, you’ve not seen N1,000 since this years of hardship. What will be your reaction?
44.      You came back from market, your little baby ran to you and said; mummy you refused to tell me that thing that is between dad’s legs, but now I’ve known it. Then you asked her, what is it? She said; it’s toothbrush, you smiled and asked her; how did you know? She said; when I came back from school, I saw the maid kneeling in front of dad and using dad’s toothbrush to brush her teeth. What will be your reaction?

45.      A guy impregnated you, then you came to him and told him about the pregnancy, all he did was to insult you and asked you out of his house, and you have neither alternative nor someone to fight for you. What will be your reaction?

46.      You are getting older, and your only son is up to marriage, but he refused to bring any girl for marriage, then you pleaded with him to give you a grandchild before you could join your ancestors. Now he brought a girl to present as his wife and it happens that you’ve severally had sexual intercourse with that same girl in different hotels. What will be your reaction

47.      You are a campus student, when things were very difficult on your side, you went to your closest friend for financial help and back-up as a student, all he could do was to initiate you to an occult which made you to kill your twin sister on one of the movements the gang made. In fact, you’ve extremely lost a lot of expensive things and souls just because of this gang. Now that same guy that initiated you, came one day to your apartment, preaching the word of God to you with a bible, telling you to repent and give your life to Christ. What will be your reaction?

48.      You are a nice lovely girl and you had a fiancé that extremely loves you in the essence that even if he’s at the point of death, he don’t hesitate to make love with you,  but when you travelled to abroad, he got mad, now you are back from abroad,  the king told you that your fiancé is seriously mad at the street, the gods can not heal him, rather he would be healed by public love and affection, then you ran off to the street and met the guy. What will be your reaction and what will be the guy’s reaction?

49.      Today is your birthday, your guy came to your house, after little moments of sharing love together, he told you to close your eyes that he has a surprise for you, then you closed your eyes, but you did not hear his voice nor any sign of his presence, then you open your eyes thinking that he want to play with you, but it happens that he disappeared immediately you closed your eyes. What will be your reaction?

50.      You are a man, robbers kidnapped you and your wife, one morning, they tied your hands, your legs and hanged you on bar post, and then untied your eyes and started raping your wife in your presence. What will be your reaction?

1.        A Prof. was traveling by boat, on their way, he asked the sailor, do you know biology? Ecology? Zoology? Embraelogy? Epidemiology? The sailor said No, then the Prof. got angry and said what hell do you know? You will die of illiteracy. One hour later, the boat started sinking. The sailor looked at the Prof. and said; do you know swimmingology and escapology from sharkology? The Prof said NO, then the sailor said well that means crocodilogy will eat your headology and you will dielogy with your knowledgeology because of your mouthology. LOL!

2.        A group of Japanese invented a machine for capturing thieves, they took it out to different countries for a test:
@ USA, it caught 20 thieves in 30 minutes
@ Ghana, it caught 6,000 thieves in 10minutes
@ Uganda, it caught 20,000 thieves in 7minutes
And when they took it to Nigeria, they stole the machine in 5minutes. LOL!

3.        I was made the manager of a hotel, one day a lady and a young guy came to lodge for a day-break, I told them that we don’t accept that in the hotel according to the policy of the hotel as a God-fearing Company in order to avoid corruption. But the woman pleaded so much with me, telling me that the young guy is her son, and may looking at the woman, she’s old enough to mother the guy, then I permitted them to lodge, in the next 30 minutes, I told my receptionist to go and check if the guy is really her son, my receptionist went and came back, telling me that the guy is really her son, I asked her, how do you know, she said that when she piped into the room, she saw the guy sucking the woman’s breast. LOL!

4.        A man’s dog died, and the man cherished this dog so much, because of the love the man has for his dog, he decided to have a Christian burial ceremony for his dog, hence he has the money. When he gets to his Pastor, he told the Pastor that he want the church to conduct a burial ceremony for his dog, the Pastor told him that the church can’t do that for just a dog, may be he should check for another church by road side, the man accepted and ask “But Pastor, do you know if 1 million naira would be small for the church to collect for the burial? As the Pastor hear 1 million naira, the Pastor, said to the man, Gush! Brother, you never told me that the dog was a Christian. LOL!

5.        Akpos went to church, when the Pastor was preaching, he asked, if you want to go heaven raise up your hand, everybody raised up their hands but Akpos refused to raise his hand, when Pastor discovered and asked him why are you not raising your hand, Akpos answered the Pastor that his mother ordered him to get back home immediately after the service. LOL!

6.        Akpos went to school, when the class teacher gave the students a class work to draw a goat that was eating grass, then after the given time, all the students submitted their exercise books, the teacher started marking the class work, when she gets to Akpos book, she searched the whole exercises but she didn’t see any class work, she asked Akpos where didn’t you do the class work I gave to the class? Akpos answered; Aunty, I drew a goat that was eating grass, may the goat has finished eating the grass and ran away. LOL!

7.        A woman came back from market, her child ran to her and told her; Mummy, you refused telling me the name of that thing between dad’s legs, but now I have figured it out. The mum asked her, then what is it? She answered; it is toothbrush. The mum laughs and asked her, how did you know? She answered; when I came back from school, I saw the maid kneeling before dad and was brushing her teeth with it. The mum fainted.

8.        Akpos splat out saliva on palms and was rubbing it on his head, his teacher became angry with him and asked him what kind of rubbish are you doing? Why will you be rubbing saliva on your head? Akpos told his teacher that what she’s teaching is not entering in his head, then his teacher answered him; and so what? Akpos replied that last night he overheard his mum telling his dad that if it’s not entering, he should add saliva on it head so it can enter smoothly, that’s why he’s rubbing saliva on his head so that what the teacher is teaching will enter smoothly. LOL!

9.        Two children saw cd on their way coming back from school; they picked it and started blowing it, having the thought that it was balloon. When they get home, their mother saw it and was very mad at them, she collected it from them and warned them not to pick anything on the way and play with it again, as the woman was entering inside the house, the children came closed to themselves and said: thank God we did not even tell mummy that we have leaked the yoghurt in the balloon. LOL!

10.     A man and his wife were keeping malice, they became so stubborn that they were looking for whom amongst themselves that would first break up the malice. One night, the man had a very big contract that worth millions of naira and if he did not leave by 5am, he will miss the contract, and apart from his wife, he has no body to wake him up or remind him when it is 5am, and on the same stance, he needed his wife assistance in this issue but he don’t want to be the first to break up the malice, then he wrote a piece of paper and kept on the table, saying; please dear, I have a contract worth of millions and if I did not wake up by 5am, I will definetly lose the contract, please try and wake me up by 5am. The next morning, the man woke by 7am instead of 5am, he was very angry in his mind, he wanted to ask his wife why she would be so heartless to that extent but he look around his bed and saw a piece of paper written; dear husband, it is 5am, please wake up for the contract.


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