Monday 10 March 2014


1.       A Prof. was travelingby boat, on their way, he asked the sailor, do you know biology? Ecology?Zoology? Embraelogy? Epidemology? The sailor said No, then the Prof. got angryand said what hell do you know? You will die of illiteracy. One hour later, theboat started sinking. The sailor looked at the Prof. and said; do you knowswimmingology and escapology from sharkology? The Prof said NO, then the sailorsaid well the that means crocodilogy will eat your headology and you willdielogy with your knowledgeology because of your mouthology. LOL!

2.       A group of Japanese invented a machine for capturing thieves, they took itout to different countries for a test:
@ USA, it caught 20theives in 30 minutes
@ Ghana, it caught  6,000 theives in 10minutes
@ Uganda, it caught20,000 theives in 7minutes
And when they took it to Nigeria, they stole the machine in 5minutes. LOL!

3.       I was made the manager of a hotel, one day a lady and a young guy came to lodge for a day-break, I told them that we don’t accept that in the hotel according to the policy of the hotel as a God-fearing Company in order to avoid corruption. But the woman pleaded so much with me, telling me that the young guy is her son, and may looking at the woman, she’s old enough to mother the guy, then I permitted them to lodge, in the next 30 minutes, I told my receptionist to go and check if the guy is really her son, my receptionist went and came back, telling me that the guy is really her son, I asked her, how do you know, she said that when she piped into the room, she saw the guy sucking the woman’s breast. LOL!

4.       A man’s dog died, and the man cherished this dog so much, because of the love the man has for his dog, he decided to have a Christian burial ceremony for his dog, hence he has the money. When he gets to his Pastor, he told the Pastor that he want the church to conduct a burial ceremony for his dog, the Pastor told him that the church can’t do that for just a dog, may be he should check for another church by road side, the man accepted and ask “But Pastor, do you know if 1 million naira would be small for the church to collect for the burial? As the Pastor hear 1 million naira, the Pastor, said to the man, Gush!Brother, you never told me that the dog was a Christian. LOL!

5.       Akpos went to church, when the Pastor was preaching, he asked, if you wantto go heaven raise up your hand, everybody raised up their hands but Akpos refused to raise his hand, when Pastor discovered and asked him why are you not raising your hand, Akpos answered the Pastor that his mother ordered him to get back home immediately after the service. LOL!

6.       Akpos went to school, when the class teacher gave the students a class work to draw a goat that was eating grass, then after the given time, all the students submitted their exercise books, the teacher started marking the class work,when she gets to Akpos book, she searched the whole exercises but she didn’t see any class work, she asked Akpos where didn’t you do the class work I gave to the class? Akpos answered; Aunty, I drew a goat that was eating grass, may the goat has finished eating the grass and ran away. LOL!

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